mGOV2: Social Media and eVoting
We are a research institute in Brazil (i3g institute) which is proposing the use of social networks to extend public discussions in local areas, allowing direct voting through e-Voting platforms (web and mobile phones, SMS), about local government subjects and themes, giving to the citizen the responsibility for a part of local public politic decisions.
César R. K. Stradiotto commented
Globalization is an unavoidable trend. And to accomplish this tendency, it is a need for people to take decisions at international levels. To take this kind of decisions, we have to make available the technologies to let it be possible. One of these technologies are the devices and methods which allow people to express their opinion and choices about some given subject. So, being this way, decision taking will be more and more a democratic activity, helping to reach old desires for the humankind: tolerance and social equity, making better its existence.
Angela Iara Zotti commented
More than ever people want and need to be heard. Social networks with e-voting can decrease the problem of digital access and allow this participation. The use of mobile phones is a very democratic way to give people to decide any time and anywhere.